Removal of unwanted body hair shifts from 3 to 7. The time interim between sessions is at any rate a month and a half, since the hairs must develop in any event 2 mm. After every method, its sum in the body is decreased by 15-20%. (αποτριχωση με λειζερ
Attributes of the system for individuals with touchy skin.
For touchy skin, which is defenseless to bothering even without forceful presentation, it is important to pick
delicate methods of hair removal. Frequently, the impact of electric flow is commonly unsatisfactory, so before picking this method, you ought to counsel a dermatologist.
Regardless of whether there are no conspicuous contraindications to electrolysis in the skin of the legs, face, at that point, for instance, in the bikini area or in the armpits, its usage is regularly unthinkable. Settling on such removal of unwanted hair in such touchy areas without counseling the specialist can not under any circumstances.
For electrolysis of areas with delicate skin, blending or glimmer methods are utilized. One day before the method, the test ought to be played out: a few hairs are evacuated in a little area of delicate skin. In the event that there are no genuine entanglements, treat the whole area.
Electrolysis results: when photograph
Contraindications and potential outcomes.
Electrolysis has various contraindications to:heart or vein issues; oncology or diabetes;a pacemaker or intrauterine gadget installed;viral diseases;progressive fiery processes;the inclination of the epidermis to recuperate, even with the smallest damage;allergic to electric stuns or substances present in the composites of needles or tweezers;
The electrolysis method is carefully contraindicated in pregnancy or lactation.
To cause the appearance of the reactions of electrolysis and negative impacts, for example, expanding, aggravation or redness, you can visit the washroom, sauna or pool after the method.
Assessed electrolysis prices
The expense of electrolysis for men is marginally higher than for ladies, since the structure of their hair is altogether
unique. Also, value development is affected by the thickness of the scalp, the development rate and the qualities of the patient's skin.
The cutting edge magnificence industry is "furnished" with numerous approaches to dispense with unwanted hair, however the 100% assurance is just given by electric hair removal. After the system, hair development in the treated area doesn't continue.
The best technique to dispose of unwanted vegetation is electrolysis. Its primary bit of leeway is simply the total demolition of the follicle, which means the discontinuance of hair development. The fantasies of reasonable sex on delicate skin are presently simple to work out as expected: legs, hands, face and even a bikini area: you can play out the system anyplace.
The electrolysis procedure isn't a development of the 21st century. She showed up in Europe during the 40s of the only remaining century. The embodiment of the method is diminished with the impact of the electric flow in the hair follicle. A slim needle is embedded under the skin and, under the activity of the release, the germ area of the hair is pulverized.
Contingent upon the area of hair removal, the otherworldly wavelength is chosen.
To dispose of hair with this method can be nearly the whole surface of the body. The main special cases are the ears and nose.
During the technique, the present follows up on the hair follicle.On the jawline, thighs, legs and hands, the method is better endured, particularly if the course is rehashed. Electrolysis should be possible on the face or in the bikini area, however then you will require persistence: these are the most agonizing areas. ()
The follicle murdered by the release of the current is expelled with tweezers.The least hair length is 2 mm. After the technique, the skin swells and turns red paying little respect to type. What's more,
for 3-5 days there are red spots where the hair was evacuated. This spot is secured with a scarcely observable hull, which falls rapidly. On the face, more often than not by electrolysis changes the state of the eyebrows.
The prices of electrolysis differ as per the area of the skin, the capabilities of the pros and, obviously, the center to which it goes. The strategy has its stars, cons and contraindications.
Inconveniences of electrolysis. (τατουαζ φρυδιων)
Similarly as with any technique, electrolysis has a few drawbacks:
Agony Although this system is amazingly undesirable, anesthesia isn't performed, even neighborhood. Rehearsing specialists and cosmetologists noticed that during neighborhood anesthesia, for instance, on the back, the impact is the inverse: the hair starts to develop with another power. At that point you need to endure while electrolysis is in advancement. When photographs, on the off chance that you are apprehensive, they ought to dissipate all feelings of dread: the outcome is justified, despite all the trouble.
Entanglements Since during the system, the respectability of the skin is broken, inconveniences may happen. Singular qualities or rebelliousness with cleanliness guidelines can cause a lot more noteworthy issues than facial hair.
The human factor The achievement of electrolysis depends completely on the specialist. The prevalent methodology has been completed increasingly more by untalented specialists or at all by specialists. When depending on this method to take out unwanted vegetation, you ought to recall that it is an intricate control and requires a profoundly qualified master. For model, in the United States of America, the expert electrologists' association has a base preparing time of 120 hours. The ideal time frame is 1100 hours, during which the master as an associate helps the specialist and, along these lines, is prepared to perform electrolysis. Extraordinary Britain and France concede the autonomous routine with regards to pros with experience of in any event 5 years.
Obviously, not all things are so terrifying. In the event that you pay attention to the decision of the facility, the points of interest, which are a lot
more, will conquer every one of your apprehensions.
Favorable circumstances of the method
In the first place, electrolysis is an approach to dispose of despised hair until the end of time. From the demolished follicle the hair will never develop.
In any case, a methodology is probably not going to soothe hair. Contingent upon the sort of skin and the power of hair development, 4-5 methodology, at any rate three, might be important. After the main weeks go, after the second a while.
It is smarter to endow the method to a master in a cosmetology facility with a decent notoriety.
Second, the electrolysis system can be performed without focusing on the skin type or hair type.
Third, you can't consider how a lot of electrolysis costs. It is still a lot less expensive than photograph or laser hair removal.
Pondering how to evacuate hair, it won't be pointless to contact your primary care physician. The truth of the matter is that a progression of illnesses have been set up in which electrolysis isn't performed. Contraindications are as per the following:
varicose veins;
intense and ceaseless skin ailments;
keloid illness;
threatening neoplasms of the skin;
gold wire implantation;
irresistible illnesses
serious hypertension or ischemic coronary illness;
orthopedic stents;
dental pins;
bigotry to nickel and gold. These metals are a piece of the needles;
intrauterine gadgets;
The last contraindication is relative, since the torment edge diminishes during this period. An excruciating methodology can drastically build the danger of complexities.
Appropriate healthy skin after the methodology.
In the wake of finishing the strategy, the esthetician treats the body area with uncommon methods. This anticipates the
advancement of complexities. In any case, this treatment isn't sufficient, at home it requires an especially cautious healthy skin. After electrolysis during the day, contact with water, beauty care products, fragrances and antiperspirants ought to be kept away from. The solarium and sauna are additionally disallowed for half a month. To mitigate the skin and alleviate tingling, you can utilize olive oil. The utilization of a balm, shower or cream with panthenol is additionally prescribed.
The thing that matters is observable after the main system.
Medication, and alongside it, cosmetology, progress significantly. In any case, for a very long while, electrolysis remains the best in the battle against unwanted vegetation. This system is very much considered. Known
qualities of its execution in patients with various kinds of skin and hair. Also, the outcome is put something aside for a lifetime. The primary concern: remember to visit the specialist before the methodology, to reject the nearness of contraindications.(συναγερμοι σπιτιων)